حلول إضاءة مبتكرة لبيتك ومكتبك

استكشف مجموعة متنوعة من منتجات الإضاءة ومواد البناء لتجميل منزلك ومكتبك.

تعرّف على مؤسسة هوم لايت

تقدم هوم لايت حلول إضاءة مبتكرة للمنازل والمكاتب، مع تشكيلة واسعة من المنتجات المميزة في ديكورات ومواد البناء لجعل مساحتك أكثر جاذبية وراحة.

A modern storefront with large glass windows featuring a display of various contemporary lamps and lighting fixtures. The interior is well-lit, showcasing a minimalist and stylish design, with a focus on modern lighting solutions. Visible elements include pendant lamps, floor lamps, and decorative objects arranged neatly. The exterior of the building has a dark-colored facade with vertical paneling.
A modern storefront with large glass windows featuring a display of various contemporary lamps and lighting fixtures. The interior is well-lit, showcasing a minimalist and stylish design, with a focus on modern lighting solutions. Visible elements include pendant lamps, floor lamps, and decorative objects arranged neatly. The exterior of the building has a dark-colored facade with vertical paneling.
رؤيتنا ورسالتنا
قيمنا الأساسية

نحن في هوم لايت نسعى لتقديم الأفضل في إضاءة المنازل والمكاتب بمنتجات عالية الجودة تلبي احتياجات عملائنا وتساهم في تحسين بيئتهم الداخلية.

خدماتنا المتميزة

نقدم حلول إضاءة مبتكرة تناسب جميع احتياجات منزلك ومكتبك بأعلى جودة.

معرضنا في خدمتك

نقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الإضاءة الداخلية التي تضفي لمسة جمالية على كل زاوية في منزلك.

منتجات متنوعة

استكشف تشكيلتنا الواسعة من الديكورات التي تعزز من جمال وأناقة مساحتك الداخلية.

gold and red pendant lamps
gold and red pendant lamps


استكشف تشكيلتنا المتنوعة من إضاءة المنزل وديكورات مميزة.

A modern lighting showroom featuring a variety of contemporary light fixtures. A large, dome-shaped pendant lamp with a black exterior and golden interior is the focal point. The background showcases an array of wall-mounted lights and lamps with diverse designs, contributing to a sophisticated and sleek atmosphere.
A modern lighting showroom featuring a variety of contemporary light fixtures. A large, dome-shaped pendant lamp with a black exterior and golden interior is the focal point. The background showcases an array of wall-mounted lights and lamps with diverse designs, contributing to a sophisticated and sleek atmosphere.
An exterior wall of a building features several lit wall-mounted lantern-style lights. There is a rectangular fluorescent lamp at the bottom left corner above a dark decorative wall piece. The scene is set during the evening or nighttime, with shadows and a tree canopy visible in the background.
An exterior wall of a building features several lit wall-mounted lantern-style lights. There is a rectangular fluorescent lamp at the bottom left corner above a dark decorative wall piece. The scene is set during the evening or nighttime, with shadows and a tree canopy visible in the background.
A well-lit house with decorative outdoor lighting stands in the foreground, with a garden featuring several tables and chairs under colorful umbrellas. A glowing, spiral light decorates a nearby tree or pole, adding to the festive ambiance. The scene suggests an evening event or gathering.
A well-lit house with decorative outdoor lighting stands in the foreground, with a garden featuring several tables and chairs under colorful umbrellas. A glowing, spiral light decorates a nearby tree or pole, adding to the festive ambiance. The scene suggests an evening event or gathering.
A pair of large, decorative light bulbs hangs from the ceiling, casting a warm glow. The ceiling structure is modern with a combination of glass and metal. To the right, a green leafy plant adds an element of nature to the architecture.
A pair of large, decorative light bulbs hangs from the ceiling, casting a warm glow. The ceiling structure is modern with a combination of glass and metal. To the right, a green leafy plant adds an element of nature to the architecture.
A modern architectural interior features curved, elongated light structures embedded in the ceiling. The lights are surrounded by a warm glow that contrasts with the smooth, dark surface of the ceiling. A few green plant leaves are visible at the bottom, adding a touch of nature to the sleek design.
A modern architectural interior features curved, elongated light structures embedded in the ceiling. The lights are surrounded by a warm glow that contrasts with the smooth, dark surface of the ceiling. A few green plant leaves are visible at the bottom, adding a touch of nature to the sleek design.

لقد كانت تجربتي مع هوم لايت رائعة! منتجاتهم لإضاءة المنزل تتميز بجودة عالية وتصميمات مبتكرة. أنصح الجميع بالتعامل معهم.

أبو علي

A variety of decorative ceiling and table lamps are displayed in a showroom, with intricate designs and warm lighting. The ceiling features numerous hanging pendant lights in different geometric shapes, and the tables are lined with various lamp models. Price tags and promotional signs are visible throughout the store.
A variety of decorative ceiling and table lamps are displayed in a showroom, with intricate designs and warm lighting. The ceiling features numerous hanging pendant lights in different geometric shapes, and the tables are lined with various lamp models. Price tags and promotional signs are visible throughout the store.
